Encouraging and connecting women through swimming

Swimming Mermaids exists to encourage people, and in particular, women, to engage in physical activity through swimming together. Our current strategic plan includes the following attributes;

  1. Personal development, challenge, and enjoyment: Open water swimming aims to build resilience in people through its very nature of being outdoors in a dynamic environment such as the ocean or river. Swimming with other people in an outdoors environment brings a level of personal challenge and enjoyment. 
  2. Improved health and wellbeing: the routine of open water swimming, as part of a group is beneficial for people’s social connectedness, wellbeing and physical and mental health. The use of outdoor, public blue space to enhance, helps restore and maintain physical, mental and psychosocial health and wellbeing is well documented.

Encouraging regional women and girls in WA to access and enjoy swimming no matter what your skill level!

About us

Our membership of over 600 people has a diverse and cohesive culture and skill set that works together to drive growth in swimming in WA. We are one of the largest independent sport and recreation organisations in WA which is run on a volunteer basis.

Our Management Committee sets the direction of the organisation to encourage involvement in recreational and participation based swimming by all women in Western Australia.

What we do

We conduct regular ocean swims at Gnarabup, Margaret River, Dunsborough, and Busselton foreshore.

We run the annual Swim Gorbilyup in Augusta and partner in the conduct of the Margaret River Ocean Swim each year.

We keep our community safe through the installation and maintenance of the a defibrillator at the local beach cafe in Gnarabup.

We have partnered with the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries to deliver a new initiative to regional WA in 2024 to encourage women of all ages to get involved in outdoor physical activity through swimming.

We also help other groups conduct sporting and recreation events by providing key volunteers that work in timekeeping, race marshalling and safety. Events have included the Rottnest Channel Swim, Margaret River Ultra Marathon, Swim Goribilyup, Margaret River Ocean Swim, Busselton Jetty Swim and the Trans Cape Swim Run.

About us

Please email our secretary for further information, including membership details.